Next Conservative Leader Odds: Nigel Farage Joins the Bookies Favourites

Last updated: June 27, 2024 by Leon Marshal

With Labour expected to win the UK’s general election, there is plenty of interest in who will replace Rishi Sunak as the leader of the Conservative Party. Many Tory supporters believe the election will be a landslide in favour of Keir Starmer’s Labour and are calling for a radical reset of the party, which could open the door for the divisive figure of Nigel Farage. This article reveals the latest Conservative leader odds and asks, “Will Nigel Farage be the Next Tory Leader?”

An image of the UK Houses of Parliament at dusk, with the River Thames and Westminster Bridge in the foreground. The iconic Big Ben clock tower is visible on the right side of the image. The sky is a mix of soft pink and blue hues. Superimposed over the image is the logo of the Conservative Party, featuring a stylised blue tree, and the word "Conservatives" in bold blue letters. Red double-decker buses and other vehicles are seen crossing the bridge, adding a dynamic element to the scene.

bet365 Nigel Farage Next Conservative Leader 6/1 VISIT SITE!

Unless you are one of the Conservative Party members who the Gambling Commission is investigating for placing bets on the timing of the UK general election, the July 4th date was probably quite a surprise.

Given that Rishi Sunak’s party has consistently lagged behind Labour by an average of 20 points in the polls, the general expectation was that he would wait until the end of the year. This delay would allow time for the cost-of-living crisis to ease and for the proposed deportation of illegal immigrants to Rwanda to commence.

However, either the PM feels the polls are inaccurate, or he is confident he can defy the odds and win his party another term. Either way, it’s a big gamble, according to the prices available when general election betting, and if he loses, it seems inconceivable that he will remain as leader of the party, posing the question, if not Rishi, who?

Nigel Farage Odds – 6/1

Nigel Farage is possibly one of the most divisive figures in British politics, especially as Boris Johnson is no longer on the scene.

While many consider him a rightwinger who undeservedly receives “so much airtime”, others regard him as a hero. Many Conservative Party members would like him to become their next leader, despite him being the founder and leader of the Brexit Party, which later became the Reform UK party and is now competing against the Conservatives in the general election. Nigel Farage is priced at 6/1, the fourth favourite, and for some Tories, he would represent a dream appointment.

Farage is famous for his strong stance on Brexit, and many believe he would be the perfect appointment to take advantage of the opportunities that leaving the European Union presents. His leadership style is decisive, which could bring a sense of direction and purpose to the Conservative Party. Farage is also media savvy, and his ability to attract attention and communicate effectively could be beneficial in shaping public opinion and promoting the party’s policies.

His focus on immigration control, law and order and the desire for economic independence resonates with many voters. It aligns with traditional Conservative values and could help address key voter concerns.

The counter-argument is that ‘Nigel Farage, Tory Leader’ would alienate moderate and centrist voters in the party, further fracturing the membership at a time when unity is more important. His tendency to focus on single issues could also prove problematic, with other topics, such as healthcare, education, and climate change, being overlooked. Lack of experience could also prove to be a hurdle as, despite his political influence, Farage has never been elected as an MP.

Will Nigel Farage run for Tory Leader?

While Farage is one of the front runners to replace Rishi Sunak with the bookmakers, there is a degree of doubt if he’d want the position as he’s been critical of the direction of travel of the” split” Conservative Party.

In an interview with Sky News’ Sam Coates, Farage said when asked about the idea of becoming the next Tory leader, “I don’t see myself joining David Cameron’s party”, hinting at his strong stance against certain factions within the Tories. He also claimed that the Conservatives are so split that he doubts the Tories’ ability to oppose effectively in the future.

However, despite being negative about the current state of the Conservative Party, his refusal to rule out joining the Tories tells a strategic approach to keeping his options open while maintaining his current political stance.

Punters think it is not outside the realms of possibility for Farage to be the next Conservative leader. Last month, Farage’s odds were 25/1, much higher than the current 6/1 on offer.

Other Favourites for Conservative Leadership

Next Conservative Leader Odds
Kemi Badenoch5/2
Priti Patel11/2
Tom Tugendhat11/2
Nigel Farage6/1
Penny Mordaunt15/2
Suella Braverman9/1
James Cleverly12/1
Robert Jenrick12/1
David Cameron25/1
Steve Barclay25/1
Boris Johnson33/1
Ben Houchen33/1
Victoria Atkins33/1
Gillian Keegan33/1
David Frost35/1

Kemi Badenoch Odds 5/2

At 5/2 in the next Tory leader odds, Kemi Badenoch is the bookie’s favourite to take over from Rishi Sunak.

Badenoch has held several significant roles within the UK government, including as the Secretary of State for Business and Trade since February 2023 and previously as the Secretary of State for International Trade from September 2022 to February 2023. Additionally, she has served as the President of the Board of Trade and Minister for Women and Equalities since 2022.

Badenoch was elected as the Member of Parliament for Saffron Walden in 2017, a position she held until 2024. She has also served on the London Assembly and has been involved in various ministerial roles, showcasing a rapid rise within her party and government. Badenoch’s career has been marked by her involvement in significant government reshuffles and her stance on various economic and social issues, including her support for Brexit.

Priti Patel Odds 11/2

The second top contender in the conservative leader odds is Priti Patel, at 11/2. Like Nigel Farage, Patel is no stranger to controversy.

Patel has served as the Member of Parliament for Witham in Essex since 2010 when it was a newly established constituency.

Several key ministerial roles mark Patel’s political career. She served as the Secretary of State for International Development from 2016 to 2017 under Prime Minister Theresa May. In this role, she oversaw the United Kingdom’s foreign aid programs. Her tenure in this position ended in 2017 following a controversy over unauthorised meetings with Israeli officials.

In 2019, Prime Minister Boris Johnson appointed Patel Home Secretary, a position she held until September 2022. During her time as Home Secretary, Patel was known for her hardline stances on immigration and law enforcement, including the introduction of a points-based immigration system and policies aimed at reducing illegal immigration.

In recent years, Patel has been a staunch supporter of the plan to send migrants to Rwanda and said in 2022, “We will not stand idly by and let organised crime gangs, who are despicable in their nature and their conduct, evil people, treat human beings as cargo.

She said, “We will not accept that we have no right to control our borders.” She explained that the government has been reforming its systems to make them “firm” and “fair.”

Patel is a confessed Thatcherite and advocates for conservative values such as free markets, low taxes, and limited government.

Tom Tugendhat Odds 11/2

According to the Conservative leadership odds, Tom Tugendha is the third favourite at 11/2. The MP for Tonbridge and Malling had a distinguished military career, serving in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars before his time at Westminster.

In Parliament, Tugendhat has been particularly active in foreign affairs, serving as the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee from 2017 to 2022. He is known for his critical stance on foreign policy issues, particularly Russia and China. He has been vocal about the importance of the UK’s strong and principled international leadership.

It is not the first time Tugendhat has been mentioned regarding the next Tory leader’s odds. In July 2022, Tugendhat announced his candidacy in the Conservative Party leadership race to succeed Boris Johnson but was eliminated in the third round of voting. He is respected for his clear communication and principled stands on various issues. Tom is seen as a moderate within his party, focusing on integrity and service.

After several scandals involving the Conservatives, including Partygate and the recent issues around betting, Tom might be worth considering at the best betting sites as he is seen as a safe pair of hands.

Penny Mordaunt Odds 15/2

Another favourite, according to the latest Conservative leader odds, is Penny Mordaunt at 15/2.

Since 2010, the Member of Parliament for Portsmouth North has held various significant positions in the UK government, including as the Secretary of State for Defence in 2019, making her the first woman to hold this position. Mordaunt also served as the Secretary of State for International Development from 2017 to 2019 and has held other ministerial roles such as Minister for Women and Equalities and Paymaster General.

If Penny Mordaunt does replace Rishi Sunak, it will be third time lucky as she had two unsuccessful bids for the Conservative party leadership in 2022.

When Will Sunak Step Down? Predicting the Next Tory Leadership Contest

In a recent Ipsos survey for The Standard, 41% of adults surveyed said they believed Keir Starmer was ready to be Prime Minister, up from 33% a month ago. The 83% who said they were dissatisfied with the government is the highest figure this close to an election, surpassing the 64% for Callaghan in 1979 after the Winter of Discontent.

And while many of the events that have led to an erosion of trust in the Conservative government, such as the Windrush scandal, the Dominic Cummings scandal, the Greensill scandal and Partygate, happened before he was leader. His promise of a government of ‘integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level‘ looks very shallow, especially with Bettinggate hogging the news during a vital time of campaigning.

Also, there is a great deal of resentment regarding Sunak’s income.

A recent breakdown of Mr Sunak’s earnings reveals that he received a ministerial salary of £55,358 in addition to his MP’s salary of £84,119. However, these amounts are significantly less than his investment income, which totalled £289,422, and capital gains amounting to nearly £1.8 million, derived from a “blind managed” fund based in the US. Many question how a multimillionaire can empathise with those struggling with a cost-of-living crisis.

With all this in mind, it seems highly unlikely that he will stay on as the Leader of the Opposition if Labour, as expected, wins the election. So, while there is no such thing as a certainty in politics, based on current trends and expert analysis, it seems plausible that Rishi Sunak might consider resigning soon after the election results are announced.